Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Day at Avonlea Village

Today was the ONLY day we could find someone to watch the dog so we could explore Avonlea Village.  Avonlea was on the MUST list as I have created many Anne fans in the family.

After dropping Rusty off we continued on the Green Gables road towards Avonlea.  Past Matthews Carriage rides, past the lake of Shining Waters, past Lucy M. Montgomery's birthplace and towards to gate of our adventure for the day. The red cliffs, the unique-styled homes, the lupin fields, potatoe fields, fox alongside the road and large birds were a few of the sights we also saw.  

It was excruciatingly wonderful! The kids were so little the last time we were there, (10 years ago).

We loved the Celidh at the barn.  We all did some dancin' to the fiddle and the kids played spoons.  They followed the drama mini skits all over the village and participated in picnic games.  Cadence was usually found near Josie Pye and Kalyssa was often near Anne as she had her own text of red braids.  We even witnessed a pig race!  Our pictures from the day were keepsakes. (Hope to post soon).

We headed home when it closed, hoping to return the next day.

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