Sunday, July 14, 2013

A Day at Avonlea Village

Today was the ONLY day we could find someone to watch the dog so we could explore Avonlea Village.  Avonlea was on the MUST list as I have created many Anne fans in the family.

After dropping Rusty off we continued on the Green Gables road towards Avonlea.  Past Matthews Carriage rides, past the lake of Shining Waters, past Lucy M. Montgomery's birthplace and towards to gate of our adventure for the day. The red cliffs, the unique-styled homes, the lupin fields, potatoe fields, fox alongside the road and large birds were a few of the sights we also saw.  

It was excruciatingly wonderful! The kids were so little the last time we were there, (10 years ago).

We loved the Celidh at the barn.  We all did some dancin' to the fiddle and the kids played spoons.  They followed the drama mini skits all over the village and participated in picnic games.  Cadence was usually found near Josie Pye and Kalyssa was often near Anne as she had her own text of red braids.  We even witnessed a pig race!  Our pictures from the day were keepsakes. (Hope to post soon).

We headed home when it closed, hoping to return the next day.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 3 at Twin Shores Park, PEI

It's amazing.  As I sit it feels so strange not to have something to do.  I haven't adjusted yet.  I realize that in no time summer will be over, but our planned adventure has been worth the stress of last month.  

Today is Kianna's 14th birthday.  She started it by disappearing again to the beach by herself at 6am.  This parenting thing is still so hard.  So much has changed over the past few years. She has finished her grade 8 year at CPES and was Salutatorian for graduation with 1% less than the valedictorian.  Needless to say she has an academic drive that we hope will help her through her future years.  With a talent and love for music she also surprised and impressed us with a song during graduation that she composed.  With daily prayer and time-shared we hope to continue to connect with her and keep our relationship strong.  She has many gifts to share, only God knows where they will carry her and who they with impact.

Caleb is thrilled to be going on a 3hour deep-sea fishing tour with Adam on Tuesday, while the girls are coming with me to see the musical Anne.  We will explore tourist sites tomorrow.  Rusty has been fine most of the time and we think we've found a dog sitter for the day we visit Avonlea Village.  Other than that, he comes everywhere and sleeps well at night.  

Sitting here on the beach I feel blessed and torn at the same time.  Life is passing by so quickly.  I want to absorb each moment rather than be responsible for laundry, dishes and organizational matters.    Thank goodness for vacations like these that allow us to pause and reflect.  On a lighter note, we are here at this one location for another week.  The weather has been perfect, sun, sun, sun and today with a little wind.  After this week we are heading to Nova Scotia to explore Cape Breton.  Two entire weeks on the east coast, then traveling to our home sweet Camp Frenda for a week of tween camp.  Adam will be the speaker there while the kids take classes.  Again, I cannot complain, we are truly blessed and SO needed this time as a family.

We're considering leaving our trailer here at the end of 2015, then returning the following summer to stay for July again.  It is beautiful.  All welcome to join us!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The journey continues ...

Saturday July 6, 2013

After an eventful first few days we were ready for peace and family time.  Initially we had made plans to visit relatives in NB on our way to PEI.  After experiencing both fear and trust, we continued on our planned journey to visit cousin Tara.  

Laugh with me...we have a diesel truck with a previous small muffler leak. I wanted it fixed before our trip for smelly reasons. I thought the diesel sound couldn't get louder.  It can.  When Adam went to get it fixed last week,  they chose to replace it with a strait pipe rather than 4x the cost for a new muffler.  They said it wouldn't sound much different as it was diesel and they were right, except when you pull a 30 ft trailer.  We started the trip rumbling up a hill.  I looked at Adam and he knew what I was thinking,  I still needed to say it though.  "What on earth did you do to the muffler?"   We sound like an enormous "Mohnster Truck" driving anywhere.  Yes, I already called the muffler place to request an order for our correct muffler. When we return.  Anyway, pulling into a quiet community without being noticed is NOT possible.  They came to greet us with open arms.  So amazing, 25 years later, thats family.  Erin's boyfriend (Tara's daughter) thought the noise sounded great - not me. We parked the trailer there for the night and began our "memorable moments."

We were drained and dirty.  But life goes on and the kids needed a distraction.  Twenty five years ago or so I travelled to New Brunswick to visit cousins and family I barely knew.  I have such wonderful  memories.  Last week I messaged Aunt Heather and cousin Tara and was very happy to plan a time to reconnect on this this trip.  My children now have fond memories with Maritime relatives.  Fellowship and love, memory lane photos, trampoline, zip line, homemade food, early morning waffles and history lessons from a cousin... Are a few of the glimpses my children will remember for years to come.  Thank you SO much Tara, Duane, Erin and Lana (hope the names are spelled right!)  You are such a blessing.

I would like to say we have lots in common, as Tara is one to be admired and I am grateful to have spent time with her. I think our values and interest in our children defines us as mothers.  Nana always spoke highly of Tara, I know why.   She has opened her home to us again on the way home and the kids are pressing us to stop there again.  That shows how much they enjoyed their time.  We talked with Uncle Keith about education, as Adam and I didn't know he was a principal.  Aunt Heather shared stories and made a delicious chocolate zucchini cake. We asked about family stories and updates on relatives.  We again were so blessed.

Below are a few photos of their home, or as Adam says, the home and floor plans he has always wanted.  Wrap around porch, large gathering room, beautiful gardens, landscape...perfect!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Starting Fresh -2013

Friday July 5, 2013

It feels like summer now as I finally sit here on the beach.  The kids are enjoying exploring the shore and I hear faint squeals of  excitement mixed with fear as they find unique looking seaweed from the Atlantic Ocean.  We are staying at Twin Shores, PEI with our trailer.  Few things were forgotten at home as we packed for days.  We could last all summer!   I would say the trailer is a bit full, but with clothes and food for 7 plus a dog, I'm not sure I could have packed any lighter!

We rested well last night.  We are on a piece of land that has two beaches, one facing the ocean side and another with access to a bay.  Last night when we arrived Caleb was thrilled to find a hockey game being played in the tennis court.  Kalyssa was dressed this morning for Tennis lessons and Cadence was planning the group craft time next week.  Kianna and Cassia said they may join in on the make your own sundae activity and Kianna also clearly stated that shuffleboard looked boring. So many options.  It's a beautiful place.

We arrived yesterday after an eventful but safe trip.  God is so good.

As Cadence had a cast on her leg our trip was delayed four days.  Everything happens for a reason.  Finally getting in the road we travelled 20 minutes before realizing we might like our passports to travel through the states.  We unhooked the trailer and I travelled home with the kayak on the roof to fetch them.  After a windy drive home, I glanced to the roof to see a crooked and very loose kayak.  With muscle and the neighbours help we managed to put it in the truck.  First small miracle.

After that is was smooth sailing. The kayak went inside the trailer so we didn't worry.  Throughout the winding roads of Vermont and Maine we spotted a moose and many deer.  Back roads were not the best for the trailer, but it was beautiful countryside.  We weren't in a rush, but wanted to get there. 

We arrived in New Brunswick to Inn on the Cove (1371 Sand Cove Rd Saint John,  New Brunswick. ) It is no longer an inn, and looks very different from when I was a girl, but the location, the flowers, the bay all were very exciting to see.  This started one scary adventure, of which I'll share for healing and thankfulness.  We began a walk towards a path to enter the beach area.  As a family we never seem to be able to move fast as we were all squished in the car.  Kianna, now 14, wanted to freshen up after a long trip and make a sandwich as she's growing.  She didn't  really tell us that and I didn't realize and the she wasn't  right behind me.  About 3 minutes later I asked Adam to go back and check on her as I was anxious to put my feet in sand.  I continued to the beach with the other kids.  He thought she may be skipping out on the walk and trying to read a book, but she was no where to be found.  Panic set in slowly, but we were calm still.  Adam and I began hollering across the shore to see why he hasn't come down, I heard nothing. We were battling with the roar of the waves.  I gathered the kids and headed back to the parking lot.  I gathered that Adam left to search but he and I had no communication.  Our phones were turned off while we passed through the states and when I called him, I found it ringing in the car.  Thirty minutes had passed now...prayer circle by the trailer led by little Kalyssa.  We weren't worried about the water, she's smart, just about everything else sinful in the world.  As I began to dial 911, I realized the fear a mother always carries was now in my heart.  As I communicated on the phone, I think I glimpsed Adam way down the road also using a strangers phone.  Kindly, so many stopped and began searching with us as it was so rare for Kianna. I didn't even know what clothes she had changed in to or if she changed.  The Irving Park trail is quite long and we did not know which part she entered, Adam began running the entire trail, not realizing there were short cuts. He came back with nothing and began again.  Flip flops, previously torn shoulder pain ...

To calm your hearts, Kianna came smiling up the path with a woman and her dog about 5 minutes later.  Total of 45 minutes gone.  She had not even heard our screams of fear as we called her name.  I had no voice left.  She assumed we were in front of her as she thought  she was heading to the beach.  The other kids were very scared and I was so thankful for the couple who stayed with our children on the grass while we were searching.  Yes, never again.  We walk together!  Poor Adam was not in ear shot and continued to look for 10 more minutes while we embraced Kianna.  When he returned, all was well.  I'll leave it there and say we are very grateful to the many who shared their time to support and search with us.  No one wants any child to go missing, but everyone wants an ending like ours, no matter the stress.  The Lord blessed us greatly again.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One year later - Time Flies!!

Summer 2010

Wow, time flies. In April we brought the kids home from school for homeschooling. Life is too busy, and we thought we'd give it a try. It was a great 3 months. We travelled, went to a musical, explored the science center, and found more time for each other and our hobbies. The school was the easy part. Overall, it was successful and I wouldn't ever change the time we shared.

This coming year, they will head back to school, as I plan to work more so we can save to send the kids to Kingsway College. As a wife and mother, it's exhausting, but somehow the tired wrinkles come and go, and I find new waves of energy to plan new events.

Here are a few pictures of the year that I haven't shared, and who knows, maybe this year I'll be able to stay on top like my sister Stacey, she's amazing.

Here's some photos of us. Cherished moments.

Rusty, only four months here, has been a lot of fun to have. He has eaten many shoes, train blocks, Dora dolls, lego, and a few Barbies, but we're still patient as that's our fault. Overall, a good boy, and the kids have all been sharing their duties well.

First day of school 2010
Kianna - grade 5
Cassia - grade 3
Caleb - grade 2
Kalyssa - SK
Cadence - snuggling with MOM

Kalyssa turned five in the Fall and here she stands with Cadence after making masks. Fun party!

Winter months were treasured as my parents bought property on Lake Scugog. It's perfect and just so close. Adam made an outdoor rink and we often had friends join us when Damon brought his ice-fishing gear. And yes, Rusty has grown and loved the snow!

Caleb joined our school hockey and when they played at the Oshawa Generals for a half time show, he scored the only goal on Deke. Just a few CHEERS from our section.

Last summer we had family photos taken, and this was the shot that made a half page ad in a Christian Magazine. Many others were taken as well and they're throughout our home.

For our March break we visited Niagara. What a great trip. We hit the Niagara Escarpment, Butterfly Conservatory and found a Totem Pole park.

Then we ventured to TN...
Easter was our Highlight as we travelled the hills to TN to visit Ben, Aunt Stacey and Uncle T. We laughed, fished, played in a creek and watched a re-enactment of "The Last Supper." We can't wait to go again. Miss you BEN!

April started our school at home, and we looked forward to planting a garden. So to get some knowledge we visited my Aunt Anu in Newcastle for a potatoe/bean lesson. Great ideas, and the kids look forward to going back to see how it has grown.

This is the third year we've been taking lessons from Mrs. Bussey for piano. The girls have progressed well and have just started to play duets. This is from their recital.

Shaun & Holly July 25th
We enjoyed showering them with gifts and seeing cousin Melanie. The evening was beautiful with gowns around the room. The girls sang a song with Shaun, I'll try to post it next time.

Kalyssa, Luke, Macy & Landon all together!

Looking for worms, camping in our trailer, fishin' the lake, and singin' around the campfire with smores!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Musical Mohnsters

I wish I had three arms for thsi musical recital - so I dobn't have video, just still moments of my girls on the keyboard. We're very happy they have a special teacher to continue the love of music with formal training. This was Cassia's first piano recital and Kianna's third. Awsome girls, no jutters and no mistakes.

We're proud of you.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Guess what...We have a four-legged friend with a tail!

Yes, we have added to our organized chaos and extended our love and patience to an Airedale. He was very hard to choose from the litter as they were all so cute. There were two litters this spring and he was the runt from the first litter and they wanted him to grow. His two-week younger siblings looked very different as they had lots of Teddy hair, so I had an extremely hard time choosing as I went alone. We should have got a sitter and both went, but that would have been too smart! Anyway, home from Woodstock I brought him. He's very mild tempered and the first few days were lots of fun. The kids still have bundles of excitement and each day he does something new, they help out all day long as we got him the day after school ended - I kind of call it Father's Day for Adam. What a gift! Initially I wanted a Lakeland, and probably still do as I love his stage and sixze right now, but Adam really wanted the larger version adn that led us to "Rusty". It's so cute to hear Cadence say it. She's actually been quite rough with him, and today I ehard his first growl. But he's a great sleeper and very mild temperment, so we're lucky. Oh yes, would you like to see some photos?